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Delaware Fit Factory


July 26, 2024

Elevate Your Journey to Health and Wellness: Self-Perception

Have you ever wondered how your self-perception impacts your ability to achieve your health and wellness goals?

Your thoughts play a significant role in shaping the path your life takes. Self-perception is how we view ourselves and the world around us. It's not just about achieving your goals but also about believing you can achieve them.

At Delaware Fit Factory, we have learned that if you see yourself as someone who isn't inherently healthy, you might convince yourself that becoming healthy is an unattainable goal. However, we want to challenge that belief – it's not true.

Your self-image has a significant influence on the decisions you make. When you view yourself as a healthy individual, your choices tend to harmonize with this self-concept. So, what can you do to shift your self-perception in a positive direction and realign your identity to the one you are working towards achieving?

Change your self-talk. Start prioritizing your health by telling yourself, "I'm a healthy person, I just haven't figured out what works best for me in the long term yet." Embracing this identity will make it easier to choose the healthier option in any given situation consistently.

As a challenge to kickstart this transformation, we encourage you to take a moment each morning and evening to look at yourself in the mirror and repeat the affirmation, "I'm a healthy person." Keep a journal for a month (Doug does it every day) and observe how much easier it becomes to make healthy choices.

Remember, we're here to support you on your journey to a healthier self. We believe in your ability to make a positive change! The coaching, guidance, accountability, and support we provide every day, every week, every month is to ensure you are staying on track to being BETTER EVERY DAY.

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