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Delaware Fit Factory


August 15, 2024

Nutrition trends, fads, and what actually works for most of us.

A simple google search for a nutrition plan or diet will yield countless trendy ideas and fads, many of which are over complicated and filled with empty promises that, if successful, are not sustainable.

Paleo. Keto. Caveman. Atkins. Carnivore. Zone. Renaissance Periodization. IIFYM. Special K. 

How many of these have you tried or wanted to try? Chances are if you gave any of them a shot, you are likely no longer sticking to it. Why is that? Did you see the results and stopped? Was it too complicated or stressful? Did it just not work for you and your lifestyle?

You need to eat to stay alive, so something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn't be complicated. Nutrition is vital for us to lead a long, healthy, and enjoyable life. This is why we focus on a simple habit-based approach when working with clients in our nutrition program.

To unravel the complicated mess of diet trends, we can break nutrition down to one simple fact. The best plan is the one you can stick to! From there you’ll need to figure out what is too complicated and what is low hanging fruit (pun intended). Try to put yourself in one of the three categories below…

    • Focus on quality whole foods before focusing on portions.
    • Drink 80oz of water or more every day.
    • Protein, carbohydrates, and non-starchy vegetables at lunch and dinner.
    • Utilize the plate method for lunch and dinner. ½ Non-starchy vegetables, ¼ protein, ¼ starchy carbs.
    • Post workout carbohydrate and protein snack/shake.
    • Daily calorie intake within a window based on body composition.
    • Macronutrient breakdown (aka “macros”) based on your goals.
    • Weighing, measuring, tracking, and logging food.
    • Meal timing based on your training program.
    • Periodization and tapering based on competition dates.

Easy wins and daily tasks checked off with minimal effort will create habits. Habits lead to progress. Progress eventually leads to success. But if the daily task is too difficult or stressful to accomplish each and every day, it will never become a habit and any results will be short-lived. Start small, start simple, be consistent, and be patient. The best nutrition plan is the one you can stick with for the long haul.

Need help creating a plan? Don’t know where to start? Overwhelmed? Reach out to us, we’re happy to help.

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