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Delaware Fit Factory


August 21, 2024

‍How To Keep Yourself Motivated Through A Training Plateau

We've all been there: working hard in the gym, sticking to a nutrition plan, and then suddenly, progress stalls. The weights don't feel lighter, the scale doesn't budge, and frustration begins to creep in. It’s at this point that many people lose motivation and consider giving up. But what if this plateau is not the end, but a valuable opportunity? Learning to motivate yourself during these times is one of the most powerful skills you can develop. Not only will it get you through the plateau, but it will also build the mental toughness that can carry you through any challenge—both in fitness and in life. The ability to self-motivate is a lifelong asset that will help you stay on track, achieve your goals, and feel more in control of your health and fitness journey.

5 Steps to Keep Yourself Motivated

Here are five easy steps to help you push through a training plateau:

  • Revisit Your Goals: Take some time to remind yourself of the reasons you started. Whether it's to feel stronger, improve your health, or be able to keep up with your kids, reconnecting with your "why" can reignite your motivation.
  • Break Down Your Goals: If the end goal feels far away, break it down into smaller, more manageable milestones. Celebrate every win, no matter how small. This will keep you focused and motivated.
  • Change Up Your Routine: Sometimes, a plateau happens because your body has adapted to your routine. Try adding a new type of exercise, increasing the intensity, or even changing the order of your workouts to shock your body and mind back into growth mode.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a daily log of your workouts, nutrition, and how you’re feeling. Even if the progress isn’t immediately visible, tracking it will give you concrete evidence of your efforts and improvements over time.
  • Find Accountability: Whether it’s a workout buddy, a trainer, or a community of like-minded people, having someone to share your journey with can provide the extra push you need to stay consistent.

Using a 30-Day Tracking Chart

To help you stay on track, here’s a simple 30-day chart that you can use to monitor your training habits, nutritional habits, and overall feelings each day. Print it out and place it somewhere you’ll see it every day—like on your fridge or bathroom mirror. Each day, take a few minutes to fill out the chart. What did you do? What did you eat? How do you feel the day went? Be a simple or as in depth as you’d like. This small daily habit will keep you engaged in your process and aware of your progress.

Building Motivation Through Habits

Motivation isn’t something that just happens to you; it’s something you can build. By using the chart to track your habits, you’ll start to see patterns in your training, nutrition, and feelings. You’ll begin to understand what works for you and what doesn’t. Over time, this awareness will help you create habits that keep you motivated even when progress seems slow. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection, but consistency. Each day you fill out your chart is a small victory that will keep you moving forward.

The Power of Self-Motivation

In the end, the ability to self-motivate is what will set you apart from those who give up when things get tough. By following these steps and using the tracking chart, you’ll not only push through your plateau, but you’ll also become stronger and more resilient in the process, both mentally and physically. At Delaware Fit Factory, we’re here to support you every step of the way. If you’re ready to take your fitness to the next level, book a free "No-Sweat Intro" with us today. Click here to get started!

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