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Doug Wattenschaidt


July 15, 2024

Is Your Coffee Habit Hurting Your Sleep?

Ever feel like you need a gallon of coffee just to get through the morning? Or maybe you rely on that afternoon energy drink to power through the day. But what if your caffeine crutch is actually making it harder to get a good night's sleep?

Caffeine is a sneaky little stimulant that can mess with your sleep cycle in a big way. While it gives you a temporary energy boost, it can linger in your system for hours – up to 12 for some people. Research shows that caffeine consumed just 6 hours before bedtime can seriously disrupt sleep, even reducing it by over an hour. Yikes!

Here's the kicker: a whopping 90% of people have caffeine in the afternoon, and almost 70% have some in the evening. So, if you're struggling with sleep, taking a closer look at your caffeine habits could be a game changer.

Here's what you can do:

  • Track your intake: Start by paying attention to when and how much caffeine you consume throughout the day.
  • Listen to your body: Do you get jittery or anxious after caffeine? This could be a sign you metabolize it slowly. Try cutting caffeine out completely or switching to decaf earlier in the day (think 12+ hours before bedtime).
  • Wean slowly: If you're a caffeine pro but still have sleep issues, try gradually reducing your afternoon intake, especially after noon. See how it affects your sleep.
  • Ditch the sugary drinks: Those fancy coffee concoctions and energy drinks often pack a double whammy of caffeine and sugar. This is a recipe for blood sugar crashes and sleep disruptions. Opt for plain coffee, tea, or naturally caffeinated water.

Remember, caffeine can be great for focus and workouts – but not at the expense of your sleep. By being mindful of the timing, amount, and source of your caffeine, you can enjoy its benefits without sacrificing your precious shut-eye.

Sweet dreams!

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