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Doug Wattenschaidt


July 23, 2024

My passion for fitness and how I became the owner of Delaware Fit Factory.

In 2014 I was a wreck. A herniated disc that required surgery limited me from even walking some days. My freelance video and photography had come to a screeching halt as I couldn’t carry or even hold most of the equipment. And life was about to get real as my first daughter was on the way.

I went under the knife and got my back fixed, but I knew I needed to make a life change. After plenty of recovery time I hit the pavement. I ran and ran and ran. Then I did the traditional gym thing, I did every weird machine available. I made some progress, but I wanted to keep going. After Mya was born we began to create some space in our basement for exercise. An elliptical, a few free weights and bands, and a punching bag. With no more knowledge than some Men’s Health articles I pieced together a workout routine that helped me shed some more weight and build a little bit of muscle.

Then I was introduced to CrossFit.

CrossFit made me feel like a kid again. There was so much to learn. So many new things to try. So many ways to get better. Imagine your first day of kindergarten when you get to run out to the playground. That was how I felt when I took my first CrossFit class at Delaware Fit Factory in January of 2017. I was hooked.

In 2018 I learned the power of proper nutrition as I swapped my daily pint of Halo Top for non-starchy vegetables and protein at every meal and snack. To this day carrots or broccoli with hummus are my go-to snack! 

I began coaching CrossFit class at Delaware Fit Factory in 2018. Surprise! I’m not the founder of DFF, but the second owner. Eric Sutliff helped me enhance my coaching skills, giving me more and more opportunities until one day he asked, “You ready to take over this place yet?” I became the official owner of Delaware Fit Factory in October of 2019.

The amount of fulfillment and joy that this place gives me doesn’t even come close to that of any previous career or job. I’ve traveled the country recording video content for The Ohio State University. I’ve managed podcasts and social media accounts for several successful business people. I’ve even photographed weddings, babies, families, and more. But none of that compares to changing someone’s life through fitness and nutrition. 

Members getting their first pull-ups. Members losing weight and seeing health markers trend in the right direction. Members setting goals and smashing them. Members creating sustainable habits. Members gaining self confidence as they build strength and do things they never thought possible. Members bouncing back after pregnancy. Members putting their needs first for the first time in years or even decades after life throws them a curveball. Members making lifelong friendships and connections…

The list continues and will likely never end as DFF continues to grow and change lives every day. And in that light it continues to change my life as well. I am grateful for every day I walk into my business that is filled with growth minded coaches and members who are striving to make themselves better. What’s even more fun is to think how each person’s “why” is unique and their definition of “better” is different from the person next to them.

My passion and excitement for fitness and nutrition has lead me down quite an exciting path, and the amount of fulfillment that Delaware Fit Factory brings makes my life BETTER EVERY DAY.

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