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Delaware Fit Factory


August 5, 2024

Sleep deprived? Should you take a nap?

Feeling tired, cranky, or struggling to lose weight? These could be signs you need more sleep.Did you know most adults are sleep-deprived? It creeps up over time, leaving you with a sleep debt that needs repayment.

It might be time for a power nap. Naps can boost alertness, improve mood, and reduce fatigue. But napping strategically is key to avoid disrupting nighttime sleep.

Here are four tips to take a nap without compromising your nighttime sleep. Here's your guide:

  • Nap Length: Aim for 20-30 minutes. This "sweet spot" avoids deep sleep, preventing grogginess when you wake. Set an alarm.
  • Nap Timing: Early afternoon naps (before 3 pm) are best to avoid impacting nighttime sleep.
  • Nap Environment: Create a sleep haven. Think cool, quiet, dark room, free from distractions.
  • Post-Nap Wake Up: Take a few minutes to ease back into your day, feeling refreshed and ready to conquer.

Napping could be just one piece of the sleep puzzle. Consider working with our nutrition coaches to optimize your sleep and unlock peak energy levels. They can help you develop a personalized sleep hygiene plan that addresses the root causes of sleep deprivation and creates lasting healthy sleep habits.

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