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Delaware Fit Factory


July 19, 2024

Stop saying say, "can't". The DFF C-Word Rule.

“CAN’T.” Yes, that word. So much can hide behind that word. “I don’t want to,” “I’m afraid,” “I’m confused,” or even “I don’t know how,” all of which are legit thoughts to any given situation. “I can’t,” on the other hand acts as a shield to hide behind instead of admitting more useful – and actionable – hesitations. We end up uttering “I can’t,” because sometimes it’s easier than “I am so frustrated and exhausted I want to cry,” “I’m struggling and this makes me feel dumb,” or even “I need help.”

The “C-Word Rule,” is meant to do two things…

First and foremost to remind you that we coaches are here to help. We don’t just manage the clock. We don’t sit and shout arbitrary exercises and rep schemes. We are invested in your success, whatever "success" means for you. Please do not hesitate to ask questions in class. Yes, there are absolutely dumb questions. When you ask, “What are we doing?” immediately after the coach explains what we are doing, THAT is a dumb question. But if you genuinely need clarification or help modifying workouts and progressing through movements please ask away!

Secondly, negative self talk (both internal and external) can limit your progress in fitness and health more than you think. Letting ourselves fall back on the “I can’t” will do more damage than just hiding our nerves, questions, and deeper feelings. Eventually we, and the people around us, start to believe it. Some research even shows that negative self talk can lead to an exacerbation of feelings of depression.

So what’s the C-word rule, and why implement it at Delaware Fit Factory?

The rule is simple. Say “can’t” at any point in class and you must stop what you’re doing and perform 3 burpees. WHY? The 3 burpee punishment is simple enough that anyone can do it, yet no one WANTS to do it because... it’s burpees. CrossFit is challenging for all of us, and once you get “better” at it you find new ways to challenge yourself. In short, it’s ALWAYS HARD for EVERYONE. The intent of this rule is to overcome self-imposed barriers we put up with negative self talk. “I can’t,” might as well mean, “I won’t,” or even, “I refuse to try.” But substituting “I can’t” with “I’m struggling to…” or something similar you are admitting there is room for improvement and the task is possible as opposed to accepting that something is impossible and shunning coaches and peers who are ready to help.

Greg Glassman, the creator of CrossFit, once said “The greatest adaptation of CrossFit takes place between the ears.” While we strive to be BETTER physically through grueling workouts and dedication to proper nutrition, let’s not forget to take care of ourselves mentally as well. EVERY DAY.

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