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Delaware Fit Factory


July 24, 2024

🧘Mindful Eating Vs 🚫Restrictive Dieting

Are you an all or nothing type of person, especially when it comes to the weekends and holidays? Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day included!

Do you say things to yourself  like “I already blew my diet so I may as well keep going and start again next week” or “I won’t be able to stay on track this weekend so at least I can enjoy it”?

Pause for a moment and reflect on how that approach has been working for you. How do you feel mentally and physically afterwards?

Most people will agree that it hasn’t helped them reach their goals and they don’t typically feel energized or motivated with the all or nothing approach.

Try an exercise to break the cycle. Be more MINDFUL and less RESTRICTIVE with your choices. Here are two examples:

  • MINDFUL: Passing on a treat because you are full or you would rather have something else
  • RESTRICTIVE: passing up on all treats completely
  • MINDFUL: Enjoying a slice of pie because it is your favorite and not normally something you would make for yourself
  • RESTRICTIVE: skipping gatherings with friends and family because pie will be there

Be mindful and enjoy the weekends and holidays responsibly. Doing so will help you stay on track to achieving your health and fitness goals ALL YEAR ROUND.

We know that support is key in reaching your fullest potential, so if you need support please don't hesitate to reach out to our team! Ready to tackle nutrition? Book a meeting with us here.


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